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Project Donate
  • Brendon
McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile


 The purpose of this project was to develop a module on the Opal app to allow patients to donate their de-identified medical data to a secure repository to be used for medical research. De-identified medical data can be used to help develop new treatment methods, to improve care, support public health initiatives, etc. In-person data donation can be very tedious as the patient is required to visit in-person, fill out consent forms and fax them. That is why having an easy-to-use data donation module that allows patients to choose which data they would like to donate to what study is desired. Among the many de-identification techniques, variable suppression and reduction in detail were utilized in this project. This report describes the user interface platform that was developed as well as the two back-end methods that were outlined to collect data requested from the hospital’s database and send them to the secure repository for research. A prototype study for testing was made to test with, however, there is much future work that can be done on this project by another student.