Adrian Steulet

and 5 more

Long-acting injectable (LAI) cabotegravir and rilpivirine for HIV treatment and LAI cabotegravir for pre-exposure HIV prophylaxis are being rolled out in a multitude of countries worldwide. Due to the prolonged exposure, it can be challenging to undertake ‘traditional’ pharmacokinetic studies and current guidance is derived from their oral equivalents or physiologically-based pharmacokinetic studies. This review aims to consider pharmacokinetic characteristics of cabotegravir and rilpivirine and describe anticipated drug-drug interactions (DDIs) with frequent concomitant medications in African settings. Relevant comedications were identified from the WHO 2021 List of Essential Medicines. All original human and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic studies published in English on PubMed, discussing DDIs with LAI cabotegravir and rilpivirine prior to April 2023, were reviewed. The Liverpool HIV interaction database was also reviewed. LAI cabotegravir and rilpivirine have half-lives of 6-12 and 13-28 weeks, respectively. Cabotegravir is primarily metabolised by UDP-glucuronyltransferase (UGT)-1A1 and rilpivirine by cytochrome P450 (CYP)-3A4. LAI cabotegravir and rilpivirine themselves exhibit low risk of perpetrating interactions with comedications as they do not induce or inhibit the major drug metabolising enzymes. However, they are victims of DDIs relating to the induction of their metabolising enzymes by concomitantly administered medication. Noteworthy contraindicated comedications include rifamycins, carbamazepine, phenytoin, flucloxacillin and griseofulvin, which induce CYP3A4 and/or UGT1A1, causing clinically-significant reduced concentrations of rilpivirine and/or cabotegravir. In addition to virologic failure, subtherapeutic concentrations resulting from DDIs can lead to emergent drug resistance. Clinicians should be aware of potential DDIs and counsel people receiving LAI cabotegravir/rilpivirine appropriately to minimise risk.

Letisha Najjemba

and 9 more

Pharmacometrics Africa is a not-for-profit company registered in South Africa as an established platform for interested groups to establish and run open-access quantitative clinical pharmacology educational programs in partnership with local research organizations and academic groups. Pharmacometric research and clinical application is pivotal in characterising and optimising treatments, especially for complex or understudied populations. The application of pharmacometrics in drug development during recent years has led to an increase in the adoption of this technique in many drug companies and increased the demand for skilled pharmacometricians globally. Stringent regulatory authorities such as the US-FDA and EMA have increasingly populated their review groups with these scientists, further increasing the demand for the expertise and, more importantly, evidencing the impact and importance of pharmacometrics within the drug development cycle. Creative solutions are required to provide adequate training resources for the future. Pharmacometrics is nascent in Africa. Here, we report on establishing the Ugandan Chapter of Pharmacometrics Africa. This aims to transfer primary training responsibility to local institutions and faculty for sustainability and to build upon regional strengths in pharmacometrics. Creating a local centre of excellence will help attract both regional and international collaborations on quantitative clinical pharmacology. We summarize our experience, key lessons learnt and future perspectives.

Richard Court

and 8 more

Aim We aimed to explore the effect of pregnancy on bedaquiline pharmacokinetics and describe bedaquiline exposure in the human milk of mothers treated for rifampicin-resistant TB, where there is no human data available. Methods We performed a longitudinal pharmacokinetic study in pregnant women treated for rifampicin-resistant TB to explore the effect of pregnancy on bedaquiline exposure. Pharmacokinetic sampling was performed at four time-points over six hours in the third trimester, and again at approximately six weeks postpartum. We obtained serial human milk samples from breastfeeding mothers, and a single plasma sample taken from breastfed and non-breastfed infants to assess bedaquiline exposure. We used liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to perform the human milk and plasma bedaquiline assays, and population pharmacokinetic modelling to interpret the bedaquiline concentrations. Results We recruited 13 women, six of whom completed the ante- and post-partum PK sampling. All participants were HIV-positive on antiretroviral therapy. We observed lower ante- and post-partum bedaquiline exposures than reported in non-pregnant controls. Bedaquiline concentrations in human milk were higher than maternal plasma (milk to maternal plasma ratio: 24:1). A single random plasma bedaquiline and M2 concentration was available in four infants (median age: 6.5 weeks): concentrations in the one breastfed infant were similar to maternal plasma concentrations; concentrations in the three non-breastfed infants were detectable but lower than maternal plasma concentrations. Conclusion We report low exposure of bedaquiline in pregnant women treated for rifampicin-resistant TB. Bedaquiline significantly accumulates in human milk; breastfed infants receive mg/kg doses of bedaquiline equivalent to maternal doses.