
clinical and experimental immunology

The first page of the manuscript should contain: the title of the paper; a short title; full names of the authors and the name of their respective institutes; name and full postal address of the author to whom all correspondence is to be sent; 3-5 key words; a list of all abbreviations used; and any additional details relating to joint authorships. Generally, original papers should be divided into the following parts and in the order indicated: Summary: not exceeding 250 words. Introduction: describing the reasons for the current investigation and a brief summary of the existing literature. Materials and Methods: sufficient information must be included to permit repetition of experimental work. For specialist equipment and materials the manufacturer (and if possible their location) should be stated. Results: these should be given concisely; the use of tables and figures to illustrate the same results will only rarely be allowed. Discussion: the presentation of results should be separated from a discussion of their significance; this section should not repeat results. Acknowledgements: this section should include details of author contributions (e.g X performed the experiments, Y designed the study, X & Y wrote the paper) and financial support. Conflict of Interest: All financial and commercial conflicts of interest should be disclosed. If there are none, this should be stated. References: Should be in the Immunology format as detailed below.
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