June 21, 2024
‘A novel approach to expedite evidence to impact in Pre-eclampsia: co-developed Polic...
Katy Kuhrt, Chileshe Mabula-Bwalya, Harriet Boulding, et al.
January 31, 2024
Breech Specialist Midwives in the OptiBreech Trial feasibility study: an implementati...
Tisha Dasgupta, Sarah Hunter, Sharna Reid, et al.
November 23, 2020
Mini-commentary on BJOG-20-0640.R1. The evolving definition of pre-eclampsia
Andrew Shennan and Alice Hurrell
June 23, 2020
Aspirin should be targeted to those who need it. (Mini-commentary on BJOG-20-0819.R2)
Marcus Green and Andrew Shennan
March 17, 2020
Placental Growth Factor in Suspected Preterm Pre-eclampsia: A Review of the Evidence...
Alice Hurrell, Alice Beardmore-Gray, Kate Duhig, et al.
May 06, 2020
Prognostic indicators of severe disease in women with late preterm preeclampsia to gu...
Kate Duhig, Paul Seed, Anna Placzek, et al.
May 22, 2020
Re: Effect of progestogen for women with threatened miscarriage: a systematic review...
Adam Devall, Ioannis Gallos, Yakoub Khalaf, et al.