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Neslihan Cansel

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Purpose: COVID-19 pandemic has created a serious psychological impact worldwide since it has been declared. This study aims to investigate the level of psychological impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on Turkish population and to determine related factors. Methods: The study was carried out by using an online questionnaire using the virtual snowball sampling method. The sociodemographic data were collected on the following subjects: Participants’ experience on any signs of infection within the last month, the history of COVID-19 contact-treatment-quarantine, level of compliance with precautionary measures, the sources of information and level of knowledge about the pandemic process and their belief levels on the knowledge they acquire. Besides, questions that take place in the depression, anxiety, stress scale (DASS-21), and impact of events scale (IESR) were asked. Results: Of the 3549 participants, anxiety was found in 15.8%, depression in 22.6%, stress in 12.9%, and psychological trauma in 20.29%. Female gender, young age, higher education level, being single, high monthly income, presence of psychiatric illness, a high number of people living together, having any signs of infection, and contact history with COVID-19 infected person or contaminated object are identified as risk factors that may increase psychological impact. Compliance with the rules was found to reduce the risk of psychological response. Conclusions: During the pandemic, reducing the spread of the virus and knowing the risk factors in protecting the mental health of individuals will be guided in determining the measures to be followed and the policies to be followed.
ABSTRACT Purpose In our study, we aimed to evaluate the sleep disorders, sleep quality of the patients who applied to family health centers, to determine the situations that might be related with insomnia and to determine the insomnia rates of the general population in primary care. Methods This study is a descriptive research and conducted in Ankara Güdül, Antalya Değirmenözü, Bursa Sırameşeler, Gaziantep Family Health Center policlinics. The study population consisted of all patients over 18 years of age who were admitted to the family health centers for any reason. A 10-question questionnaire, Berlin questionnaire, Pittsburgh sleep quality index and insomnia severity scales were collected by the researchers from October to December 2017 using face-to-face interview method. Results 299 people participated in study and 54.5% of them were women. According to the results of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Scale, it was found that 27.1% of the participants’ sleep quality was good and 72.9% of them were poor; according to the Berlin sleep questionnaire, 27.4% had high OSAS risk and 72.2% had a low OSAS risk. According to total Insomnia Severity Index, 27.1% had insomnia lower threshold, 15.4% had moderate insomnia, 3.7% severe insomnia was detected. Conclusions In this context, it will be very effective in terms of the quality of life of patients in order to determine the conditions that disrupt sleep hygiene and to perform the necessary interventions which can be intervened in the primary health care institutions and the other patients to be delivered to the related upper levels.


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Objective The aim of this study is to evaluate the attitude, knowledge and anxiety status of individuals about COVID-19 at the first period of the outbreak. Methods This was an observational study carried out in Turkey. An online semi-structured questionnaire was developed by using google forms and the link of the questionnaire was sent through emails, WhatsApp and other social media to the contacts of the investigators between 20th March 2020 and 25th March 2020. The questionare contained 21 questions and Beck anxiety scale. Results 1070 people were included in the study. Approximately one fifth of the participants had no idea about treatment and immunization against COVID19. According to the categorization of Beck Anxiety Inventory scores 8.6% showed severe anxiety symptoms. Anxiety levels of women, healthcare workers and those with psychiatric illness were higher (p <0.05). It was observed that women, healthcare professionals, those with chronic diseases, and those with moderate to severe anxiety used the medical facemask more frequently (p <0.05). 73% of the participants thought that they fully implemented the proposed measures; 25.2% of the them stated that population did not take any measures for the COVID-19. Conclusion: According to the results of the study individuals usually had better awareness and positive attitudes towards COVID 19 pandemic, but there were also things that needed improvement. The community anxiety rates in the early stages of the epidemic with low case rates also reveal that measures should be taken in this regard.