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Unfolding a potential trigger of liver injury in Psoriasis based on literature review and management approach, a case report
  • +5
  • Phool Iqbal,
  • Oladimeji Oluaderounmu,
  • Saba Monfared,
  • Niyati Gupta,
  • Hadi Iqbal,
  • Sai Gautham Kanagala,
  • Joseph Mattana,
  • Noella Boma
Phool Iqbal
Metropolitan Hospital Center
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Oladimeji Oluaderounmu
Metropolitan Hospital Center
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Saba Monfared
Hamad Medical Corporation

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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Niyati Gupta
Metropolitan Hospital Center
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Hadi Iqbal
Punjab Medical College
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Sai Gautham Kanagala
Metropolitan Hospital Center
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Joseph Mattana
Metropolitan Hospital Center
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Noella Boma
Metropolitan Hospital Center
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