July 01, 2024
A Ground-Up Data-Driven Approach to Distinguishing Magnetospheric Sources of Geomagne...
Bhagyashree Waghule, Delores J. Knipp, Jennifer Gannon, et al.
September 01, 2023
New Space Companies Meet a “Normal” Solar Maximum
Noe Lugaz, Huixin Liu, Brett A. Carter, et al.
February 02, 2024
A case for Wavelet Transform of Ground Magnetic Field During Solar Superstorms for Un...
Bhagyashree Waghule, Delores Knipp, Jennifer Gannon, et al.
December 05, 2022
Credit where credit is due: Data and software in the space weather community
Steven Morley, Huixin Liu, Brett Carter, et al.
June 07, 2021
The Growth of the Commercial Sector in Space Science
Jennifer Gannon and Noé Lugaz
June 07, 2022
2024 Decadal Survey for Space and Solar Physics: Space Weather Inputs
Noé Lugaz, Jennifer Gannon, Shasha Zou, et al.
September 20, 2021
Augmenting traditional networks with data buys can support science, as well as operat...
Jennifer Gannon and Noé Lugaz