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The role of communication in human interactions is paramount, with diverse forms of communication shaping our interactions daily. This study delves into the intricate realm of interpersonal communication, specifically focusing on text messaging—a predominant mode of communication among the global population. With a staggering 4.2 billion texters worldwide, texting has become a rapid and convenient multitasking avenue. However, the rise of texting introduces a substantial nonverbal component: emojis. Emojis, universally used, possess varied interpretations dependent on demographic backgrounds. This research endeavors to explore the extent to which demographic factors—age, gender, and race—affect the usage and perception of emojis in nonverbal communication. Through a comprehensive review of literature, it is evident that emoji usage is contingent on demographic attributes. The investigation employs a survey and chi-square analysis to gauge the correlation between demographic variables and emoji usage/perception. The results indicate a rejection of the null hypothesis, revealing correlations between demographic factors and distinct emotional emoji classifications. This research reinforces the existing claim of a positive correlation between age groups and the level of irony conveyed by emojis, particularly pronounced in Generation Z. Similarly, gender exhibits a positive correlation with specific emoji usage. Furthermore, the research addresses the racial dimension, revealing correlations in terms of similarities rather than differences. The implications of this study extend to several domains. In linguistics, sociology, and psychology, understanding how demographic factors influence emoji perception contributes to comprehending communication patterns within diverse groups. In marketing and advertising, insights into diverse emoji perceptions aid in tailoring effective strategies for various target audiences. As technology becomes ubiquitous, promoting inclusivity and catering to diverse user needs remains pivotal. This research offers a stepping stone for future studies exploring additional demographic factors’ impacts on emoji usage and delving into the broader psychological and social ramifications of this correlation.