Context Intraspecific variability (IV) has been proposed to explain species coexistence in diverse communities. Assuming, sometimes implicitly, that conspecific individuals can perform differently in the same environment and that IV blurs species differences, previous studies have found contrasting results regarding the effect of IV on species coexistence. Objective We aim at showing that the larg IV observed in data does not mean that conspecific individuals are necessarily different in their response to the environment and that the role of high-dimensional environmental variation in determining IV has been largely underestimated in forest plant communities. Methods and Results We first used a simulation experiment where an individual attribute is derived from a high-dimensional model, representing “perfect knowledge” of individual response to the environment, to illustrate how a large observed IV can result from “imperfect knowledge” of the environment. Second, using growth data from clonal Eucalyptus plantations in Brazil, we estimated a major contribution of the environment in determining individual growth. Third, using tree growth data from long-term tropical forest inventories in French Guiana, Panama and India, we showed that tree growth in tropical forests is structured spatially and that despite a large observed IV at the population level, conspecific individuals perform more similarly locally than compared with heterospecific individuals. Synthesis As the number of environmental dimensions that are typically quantified is generally much lower than the actual number of environmental dimensions influencing individual attributes, a great part of observed IV might be misinterpreted as random variation across individuals when in fact it is environmentally-driven. This mis-representation has important consequences for inference about community dynamics. We emphasize that observed IV does not necessarily impact species coexistence per se but can reveal species response to high-dimensional environment, which is consistent with niche theory and the observation of the many differences between species in nature.
Knowing which restoration approach provides the best returns on investment for accumulating carbon is essential to foster restoration planning, financing, and implementation. We assessed the recovery of carbon stocks, implementation and land opportunity costs of forests established by natural regeneration and high-diversity native tree plantations. Our study was based on chronosequences (10-60 yr) of 12 naturally regenerating forests, 13 restoration plantations, and 5 reference forests located in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. Restoration plantations accumulated approximately 50% more above-ground carbon than regenerating forests throughout the chronosequence. When controlling for soil clay content, soil carbon stocks were higher in reference than in restored forests, but they were comparable between plantations and regenerating forests. After 60 years of stand development, recovery of total carbon stocks in both restoration management types reached only half of the average stocks of reference forests. Total cost-effectiveness for carbon accumulation, including both implementation and land opportunity costs, was on average 60% higher for regenerating forests than for plantations (15.1 kgC.US$-1 and 9.4 kgC.US$-1, respectively). Both restoration management types had cost-effectiveness for carbon accumulation markedly lower than the price of carbon credits considered, so some voluntary forest carbon markets are not adequately priced to support restoration derived offsets. Although tree plantations initially had higher rates of carbon storage than regenerating forests, their higher implementation and land opportunity costs make them less cost-effective for carbon farming. Our results further suggest that carbon markets alone have a limited potential to up-scale restoration efforts in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest.