motasim abdelwahab

and 1 more

Wind erosion process is natural process but might be substantially accelerated by adverse human activities. Wind erosion in the arid and semiarid zones, in particular, it may have dramatic impact on the current and potential productive capacity of the lands. The main goal of this paper is to present review of research on wind erosion which is prevalent in Sudan, besides displaying studies and research that must be carried out to fill the gaps in wind erosion research. Due to limited financial resources for anti-desertification research, there is a real gap in combating desertification research generally and wind erosion especially such as: stabilizing soil particles by various natural or synthetic cementing and flocculating materials that increase the non- erodiable soil particles on the soil surface, maintaining sufficient vegetative cover and establishing barriers or shelter belts barriers to reduce effective field length traveled by the wind. Lack of studies for measures sand encroaching into the Nile, winds data analysis beside calculation of wind erosivity, losses of nutrients and organic matter particularly that caused by wind erosion. Still there is urgent need to conduct researches on design and implementation of shelter belts and specify type of trees, number of rows, density and distance. Moreover intensity wind erosion research conducted in a part of affected states. It is time to fill the gap in studies and research and covers the all types of desertification processes integrated with sustainable development program, poverty alleviation and national action programmer for combating desertification.