Abdellah Afrad

and 1 more

A face-to-face survey (N=388) was conducted in January 2019, in the Beni-Makada district of Tangier (Morocco). The district has the highest poverty rate (14 % versus 7 %), the lowest per capita green space (0.27m2), and houses more than 40% of its population, which makes it the densest and most disadvantaged neighborhood in Tangier. During the 22nd conference of parties (COP22) organized in 2016 in Morocco, the study area, attracted government and media attention partially because of the abundance of PSG. Efforts were made to further spread this practice in similar districts in Tangier and other cities through the organization of neighborhood competitions, and funding to NGOs. There are approximatively 93.737 households in the district, 87% lives in individual patio houses called modern Moroccan houses. All PSG in the study area are present on neighborhood streets back to back with their owners’ houses therefore visible and accessible to all. The used questionnaire was tested with focus groups and a certified translator fluent in Darija (Moroccan Arabic dialect) before being conducted. A sample size of a minimum of 384 (1 person per household) was calculated to achieve a significance level of α=0.05 and a 95% confidence level. The interviews were conducted by four male university students, fluent in local dialect. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the University of Tokyo. We obtained oral informed consent for adults or parental permission and oral assent for minors prior to each interview. Adulthood was defined according to its legal definition in Morocco (≥18 years). Every participant receives extensive information about the study, its aims, anonymity of collected data and its exclusive use for scientific research. About 80% agreed to participate in the survey. All interviews were conducted in private. After four weeks, we obtained 388 valid questionnaires.

Abdellah Afrad

and 1 more

The data used is from a face-to-face survey (N=388) we conducted in January 2019, in the Beni-Makada district of Tangier, Morocco. The neighborhood is one of the most disadvantaged (World Bank. 2012), with the smallest per-capita green space of 0.27m2 in the city (OPEMH, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung foundation, 2016). The district is famous for the abundance of street potted gardens, widely mediatized during the 22nd conference of parties (COP22) organized in 2016 in Morocco. It houses more than 40% of Tangier’s population, mostly middle-low to low-income, living in individual houses (Modern Moroccan houses) built directly to the property line, 65% of urban families in Morocco live in the same housing type (RGPH 2014). All SPGs observed in the study area were present in the public domain, the vast majority were back to back with owners’ houses, except for two narrow streets where SPGs were at the center to barre access to cars. The questionnaire was tested and verified with focus groups in Arabic before being conducted in Morocco. The final version was composed of four parts and 36 questions. Part one inquired about PSGs size, age, maintenance, in addition to recreational activities done next to it. Part two had eighteen questions measuring neighborhood satisfaction, cleanliness, safety, noise annoyance social capital, neighborhood life quality, and belonging pride perception. In part three, we measured depression levels using the Arabic version of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). And in part four, we had demographic questions. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS 25.